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Transfer of housing ownership if the owner dies

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Transfer of housing ownership if the owner dies. (Norma Jurídica Ley General de la Vivienda Art. 78).

If upon the death of the owner there are no heirs, or they renounce the inheritance, and the dwelling has been permanently occupied by other persons, the property will be transferred to the State.

Persons who, if they own another permanent residence dwelling, occupied the same with the consent of the previous owner, for at least five (5) years before their death, may request the transfer of the property in the Municipal Housing Directorate.

The request is made in writing and must contain:

Written application.
Certification of death of the owner
Evidence of occupation of the dwelling for five (5) years prior to the death of the owner.
Stamp worth $10.00.

Transfer of the property to onerous usufructuaries, legitimate occupants and tenants (Norma Jurídica Resolution No. V00/2014, Art. 16 et seq.).

The request for transfer of property is made in writing and must contain:

Generals of the applicants, or their representatives as the case may be.
Pretension, form of acquisition and facts on which it is based.
Address of the dwelling.

Name of spouse, proceeds

Relationship of cohabitants, relationship and date of occupation.
If you are up to date in the payment of the dwelling, if applicable.
Stamp for a value of $ 10.00.


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