Service Released
- Equipo de Producción Nacional
- Procedures-CUPET
- Hits: 1049
Main requirements that must be met to contract the LPG Liberated Sale service
• Be in the authorized area
• Present the updated identity card
• Present a supply book
• There cannot be 2 contracts in the nucleus.
• The applicant cannot have another contract.
• Rent at least 1 cylinder and a maximum of 2, except in the points located in the municipal capitals, where a contract for a book with a single leased cylinder was established.
Assignment of Rights Released Sale Contract
• Identification card of the Assignor and the Assignee
• The Assignee must not have another contract and that there are no 2 contracts in the nucleus
• The assignee must reside in an authorized area of sale released within the Municipality
• You can transfer it to whoever you want, regardless of the degree of relationship.
Change of Address Released Sale Contract
• Updated identity card and supply book
• That there are no 2 contracts in the new address
• That it is in the authorized area for sale within the Municipality
• In the event of a change of address outside the Municipality, the Contract is terminated.
Change due to the death of the holder of the Released Sale Contract
• In case of death of the owner, the contract will be canceled and the cylinder (s) will be collected.
• In the event that someone who resides in the home wants to be awarded the service of the deceased, a new contract will be made and the cylinders will be delivered to the new client. It will be necessary to show the Death Certificate.
Cancellation of the Liberated Sale Contract
• At the request of the owner
• For non-consumption for 5 years
• By return of the leased cylinders
Other services
• Solution to liquefied gas leaks, within 24 hours of receiving the request.
• Perform liquefied gas installations up to the consumer's kitchen within a term of up to 15 days after the request.
• Provide mechanical services within a term of up to 72 hours after the communication made by the consume