• Written request of the interested party with a 5 pesos stamp.
• Cadastral Certificate.
• Soil Certificate.
• Appraisal of the land, agricultural goods and benefactions, issued by the competent authority.
• Bank certification of debts.
• Registered Holder Certificate.
• Purchase and Sale Agreement signed by the head of the Agricultural Production Unit (seller) and the Director of the Company that executes the purchase.
• Criteria of the President of the National Association of Small Farmers at the municipal level.
• Model Request for a Pension for the purchase of a farm, signed by the Municipal Delegate for Agriculture, or a provision approving the purchase when payment is in installments or in cash.
Be 60 years old in the case of women and 65 years old in the case of men. In the event of not having reached the age indicated in the previous numeral, the incapacity to work the land must be accredited, which will be determined by the Corresponding Medical Expert Commission.