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Application of Articles 32 and 23

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  • Written Promotion with the stamp of $ 5.00 MN.
  • Registry File.
  • If it  is represented, it will incorporate a copy of the Legal Services Contract.
  • Certification of Death of the causer.
  • Certification of Marriage.
  • Birth Certificate of all possible heirs.
  • To incorporate the investigations and verifications made on the time of the work in the land.
  • Criterion of the CCS president and the Board of Directors.
  • Incorporate inventory and appraisal.
  • Certification of possible debts with the Bank.
  • Criteria of the Presidents of the ANAP at the national, provincial and municipal levels.
  • Incorporate a legal opinion signed by the Director or Head of the Provincial Land Control Department and the Head of the Legal Department.
  • If there is a contradiction between the ANAP President and the Provincial Delegate or Director, submit to the consideration of the Provincial Agrarian Commission, incorporating a copy of the Minutes where the case was analyzed.
  • Criteria of the Provincial Delegate or Director and of the President of the ANAP at the same level, addressed to the Minister, where they exceptionally request the award.
  • Pressed, foliate and index the File and update the paperwork.
  • Resolution issued by the Minister.
  • Notification to all parties.
  • Payment in the ONAT.
  • Minutes of Registration.

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