Procedures related to mobile phone service.
- Equipo de Producción Nacional
- Hits: 842
Processing of Cellular Service Contract: It is the process that formalizes the contractual relationship between the Holder and the Company for the provision of the cellular telephone service in the prepaid and postpaid modalities. The Holder is the person who has the rights and obligations derived from contracting the cellular service. The act of signing the contract is personal, either by the beneficiary or through her representative, fulfilling the formalities established by the Cuban civil code. The service contract, in the prepaid modality, may be permanent or temporary and is independent of any other telephone service. The contracted service can only be transferred, prior formalization with the Company. The contracting is carried out in the ETECSA Commercial Offices enabled to provide this service. The current rates will apply.
Processing of cellular equipment or SIM card failure: If the equipment was sold by the Company and is under warranty, the client must go to the commercial office within the first 7 days of purchase and report the failure. After this time, the client must appear at the Company's repair workshops enabled for such purposes for a free solution. Upon expiration of this term, or if the equipment was not commercialized by the Company, the client will pay the current rate. In case of failure of the SIM card, you will be given the ease of acquiring another one, having to pay the corresponding amount. This action maintains the number, but the information contained in the SIM is lost.
Processing change of general client: It is the responsibility of the client to notify any change in their data, being an action free of cost and to be executed in a commercial office.
Service transfer process: It consists of transferring, to another natural person, the ownership of the service. This procedure is free. It will be held in the Commercial Office at the request of the Holder of the cell phone service, with the presence of the latter or his representative and the beneficiary.
Processing change of number:The client makes the request in the Commercial Office, having to pay the corresponding amount.
Service blocking procedure: At the request of the Holder, the service is temporarily disconnected so that the possibility of carrying traffic, both emitted and received, is suspended. This procedure can be done by telephone through the Customer Service 5264 2266 or in person at the Commercial Office. The client will provide the information requested by the executive to check if he is the owner of the service and to be able to carry out the action.
Service unblocking procedure: The blocking operation is deactivated, that is, the possibility of carrying traffic, both emitted and received, is restored. This procedure is carried out by the Holder in person at the Commercial Office.
Procedure for loss of cell phone or SIM card: In any of these cases, the Holder must request the blocking of the service, which will invalidate the SIM immediately, preventing its balance from being consumed or transferred. It can be in person or by phone through the Customer Service 5264 2266. Later, the customer can request another SIM from the Commercial Office.
In all procedures, the applicant will present their corresponding identity document.