Guáimaro Constitution (1869)
Because of its democratic, libertarian, and antislavery projections, it provided an adequate programmatic basis for the revolution, although the political structure and functioning were too complex to be effectively applied in the midst of war.
Baraguá Constitution (1878)
Enacted on March 23, eight days after the Baraguá Protest. Although it was in force for only 74 days, it established the organic power unit that it called the Provisional Government. The legislative and executive functions were brought together, so it put aside the structural conception of three powers assumed by the Guáimaro Constitution.
Jimaguayú Constitution (1895)
It unified the revolutionary power, making the civilian hold the executive and legislative functions that were its own, while the military operations would be in charge of the General in Chief. It was the formula that was considered most appropriate to direct the war that had just started in February of that year.
Constitution of the Yaya (1897)
Camagüey, Potrero de La Yaya: From October 10 to 29, 1897, all the representatives of the Army Corps of the insurgent forces met. They approved articles referring to the form of government in arms, to the direction of the war and to how life should be in some aspects already in independence. It is the most complete Magna Carta of the Republic in arms.
Constitution of 1901
On November 5, 1900, Leonardo Wood opened the Constituent Assembly, under the rules of the electoral law of the intervening government. Only men over 21 years of age, literate and owners of property worth 250 gold pesos voted. The members of the Liberation Army could not be prevented from voting. It was approved to incorporate an appendix: Platt Amendment.
Constitution 1940
It established equality among all Cubans, along with the illegal and punishable nature of all discrimination based on race, sex, color, or class ..., recognizes work as an inalienable right of the individual, and restricts the maximum workday to eight hours. It included progressive measures of the revolutionary struggle of the 1930s, however, a large part of the complementary provisions never obtained the approval of the House of Representatives or the Senate.
1976 Constitution
First socialist constitution in the Western Hemisphere. Declares that Cuba is an independent and sovereign socialist workers' state, organized with everyone and for the good of all, as a unitary and democratic Republic, for the enjoyment of political freedom, social justice, individual and collective well-being and solidarity human.
2019 Constitution
The constitutional reform project was approved by the National Assembly of People's Power during the Second Ordinary Period of Sessions of the IX Legislature, and submitted to a popular consultation process, unprecedented in Cuba and the world, because it was enriched with popular opinion, after the consultation held between August 13 and November 15 with the participation of almost nine million people, in more than 133 thousand meetings in neighborhoods and work and study centers.
The nation's Supreme Law was ratified in a popular referendum on February 24, 2019, and proclaimed on April 10, 2019 in the Second Extraordinary Session of the IX Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power.
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