Nueva Gerona, Israel Velázquez Batista, director of Public Health in Isla de la Juventud, recognized that epidemiological surveillance is the main "trump card" against COVID-19 in the territory of Cuba with the greatest impact of the disease in a short lapse.
The doctor recalled that in almost 15 days the 42 positive cases for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease, were reported, whose incidence rate was 50.12 per 100 thousand inhabitants in a municipality of about 84 thousand residents Therefore, it was necessary to act quickly to cut the transmission chain.
When the territory lives for more than three months without confirmed positive cases or open transmission events, Primary Health Care maintains an active investigation, fundamentally, of groups of people in vulnerable conditions, identified since the World Health Organization decreed the pandemic, he commented.
In this sense, it signified the role of medical students, who donate a week of their vacations to -together with their teachers- monitor a greater number of respiratory symptoms, older adults, bedridden people and people with symptoms suggestive of this infected disease- contagious with high lethality on the planet.
The Municipal Defense Council (CDM) gave instructions to use the nasobuco permanently in public places with high concentrations of people, maintain physical distancing and demand in all institutions and establishments the foot steps and hypochlorite for the disinfection of hands, he said.
He pointed out that although the special municipality is in the third phase, biosecurity measures continue to play a predominant role, especially in the port and air terminal, where there is strict control over those who enter the island, coming from other provinces with passage Mandatory by Mayabeque, Artemisa and Havana, territories with active cases of transmission.
At the time of arrival, we apply the rapid serum test to these travelers in order to detect IgG / IgM antibodies, in one of our units the sample is centrifuged, while they wait for the results and then arrive at the destination. , where they will be kept under epidemiological surveillance for 14 days, he explained.
The health authority emphasized that these people will remain in that period with strict monitoring of the family doctor and nurse, who will evaluate the temperature twice a day and ask about possible symptoms and signs suggestive of COVID-19.
The organization achieved from the CDM allows to follow up on the implemented measures and in case of any problem identified by the population, to solve it, we also have one hundred percent of health services restored today, he said.
Epidemiological surveillance "triumph card" against COVID-19 in Isla de la Juventud
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